Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Waaaaaaaaaa:( Sob sob sob...

This post is going to be relatively sad.

I'm not big on adjusting to change. In fact I hate when people change, things around me change, and everything becomes different. 

It totally blows!!

One of my best friends is flying back to the US today. I just went and met him, and it really sucks to say goodbye! Again. I went to meet him with his girlfriend, and it was just tooooo sad! I tried to steal his passport and ticket, but the smart guy kept it far away from me! I hope it rains so hard his flight gets cancelled! (OK call me immature, but I really couldn't give a damn. This is one of my moody and impossible phases.) Even though he was here for quite sometime, he was almost always busy and hardly met us, and is going away so soon!

This sucks!!!

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