Sunday, January 2, 2011

And ofcourse there has to be a new year post, this blog is very predictable like that.

The year 2010, like the one before that, and the one before that was a roller-coaster. But it's over. And that's what matters. There's no looking at the past or any contemplation or anything of that sort. Whatever happened, happened and whatever didn't, didn't. And that's that. There's the future and looking forward to it and kicking ass at whatever comes by. January is about the new year, new beginnings, new everythings. The yet-to-come predictabilities, the yet-to-come uncertainties, the yet-to-come spontaneities, the yet-to-be broken resolutions, the ones that'll stick, the yet-to-come year. The time to forget the bad or so-so year, and believe that the new year is going to be fantastic, or the time to decide how the new year is going to kick last year's ass. I had a fantastic 2010. Sure, it had it's short-comings, but if life were perfect and rosy all the time, where does betterment come in, yes? Sure, I wish a lot more things went the way I would've ideally liked them to, but hey, what's 2011 for? EXACTLY for that. For betterment, for them new beginnings, new decisions, for yourself, for others, for the extraordinary, for excellence, for awesomeness.

Happy New Year, you guys! Let not the rubbishness of last year get in the way of this one, or the awesomeness of last year outshine this one. Make a resolution that this year will be your best one yet, and make that happen. 2011's going to be a year to remember.

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